Amy Gardner is an Australian born, London based multi media artist, best known for her bold use of colour and uplifting images. The driving force behind her work is celebrating womanhood, the power of women supporting women, and respectfully nodding to the movement and ‘history of effort’ gifted to us from generations of women before us.

Amy is particularly interested in the experience of women, the hidden labour, and the physical movements of women. She often uses humour with found images from 1950’s advertising to smash the ideal of the 'perfect woman' illustrating just how archaic, yet prevalent in contemporary culture these ideals are. Bringing an instinctive and playful element to her work; she is non-apologetic, non-conformist, and bold in her approach. Her artistic output isn’t planned; it's very much from a place of following urges, instincts, and flow. Every new season of work tells a different story.